Ekolojik Tarım



CYTOPRES contains a variety of natural ingredients, including Alginic Acid derived from seaweed, which provides a special mixture that specifically stimulates all generative parts of the plants.

CYTOPRES contains Alginate acid and organic matter which enhance flower and fruit retention. It accelerates plant development by increasing cell division.

CYTOPRES is a specific product that promotes strong and healthy flowering, rooting, and fruit formation in plants, driving them to function effectively in these aspects. Due to its high efficacy, CYTOPRES offers substantial benefits to its users in every aspect.

CYTOPRES has a yield-enhancing effect, especially due to its stimulating effect on the generative parts of plants. This results in a slight slowing of vegetative growth, allowing the plant’s subterranean and aerial parts to develop robustly, leading to highly productive and high-quality yields.

CYTOPRES leaves no residues or stains and has a zero-day waiting period. It is safe for use around bumblebees in areas such as greenhouses and orchards, causing no harm to these pollinators.

Additional information

Organik Madde

% 5

Suda Çözünür Potasyum Oksit (K2O)

% 3

Alginik Asit

% 0,4



For Vegetables: Apply 50-100 cc per 100 liters of water for foliar application. For Fruit Trees: Apply 80-100 cc per 100 liters of water for foliar application. For Field Crops: Apply 50-100 cc per 100 liters of water for foliar application.

We achieve solutions tailored to the specific needs of your fields.

With our mission to produce innovative and sustainable solutions in the plant nutrition sector, we are shaping the future of agriculture. Considering human, plant, and environmental health, we are working towards a greener world with our products.

Modern Tarımda Mikro Besin Gübrelerinin Rolü


Bayilerin Karlılığını Artırmak İçin Gübre Pazarlama Taktikleri

Macro Nutrients


Gel Fertilizers

Yeni Başlayan Çiftçiler için Gübre Planlaması: Topraklarınızı Verimli Hale Getirin

Salinity Removers & pH Regulators

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Micro Nutrients

Potasyumun (K) Tarım Topraklarında Önemi Verimli Topraklar İçin Bir Anahtar

NPK Drip Fertilizers

Sert Çekirdekli Meyve Ağaçlarının Gübrelenmesi (Kiraz, Vişne, Erik, Kayısı, Şeftali, Nektarin)

Certified Organic Fertilizers

Doğru Gübre Kullanımıyla Verim Nasıl Arttırılır

Liquid Organomineral Fertilizers
