Ekolojik Tarım



HIGRO HUMIX is a 100% water-soluble product derived from Leonardite that protects plants from all types of stress environments and strengthens them.

HIGRO HUMIX is designed to enhance growth by accelerating root formation, stimulating cell division, and speeding up seed germination and the vigorous growth of seedlings. It also has a beneficial effect on the development and proliferation of useful soil microorganisms.

HIGRO HUMIX protects plants from various stress factors such as extreme temperatures, overwatering or drought conditions, and excessive use of agricultural chemicals.

This product improves soil structure by preventing the formation of a crust layer and compaction, enhancing the soil’s water retention capacity and organic matter content, which in turn facilitates better water utilization by plants.

HIGRO HUMIX increases the solubility of plant nutrients in the soil, enhancing the availability of beneficial nutrients.

HIGRO HUMIX leaves no residues or stains and has a zero-day waiting period. It is safe for use around bumblebees in pollination areas such as greenhouses and orchards, ensuring no adverse effects on these insects.

Additional information

Organik Madde

% 30

Toplam Hümik Fülvik Asit

% 65

Suda Çözünür Potasyum Oksit (K2O)

% 10

Foliar Application (Top Spray): Mix 100 grams of HIGRO HUMIX with 100 liters of water and spray it onto the leaves. Drip Irrigation: Apply 500 grams of HIGRO HUMIX per 1000m² area during the first 30 minutes of irrigation every 15 days. It dissolves completely and is quickly absorbed by the plants. For Seeds: Before planting, mix 60 grams of HIGRO HUMIX with 100 liters of water and coat the seed surfaces. This treatment enhances germination rates and supports healthy growth. During Planting: For areas without a drip irrigation system, apply 500 grams of HIGRO HUMIX per 1000m² area every 15 days through soil application. Alternatively, dilute 500 grams of HIGRO HUMIX in 400 liters of water, spray it onto the soil surface, and mix it into the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm.

We achieve solutions tailored to the specific needs of your fields.

With our mission to produce innovative and sustainable solutions in the plant nutrition sector, we are shaping the future of agriculture. Considering human, plant, and environmental health, we are working towards a greener world with our products.

Modern Tarımda Mikro Besin Gübrelerinin Rolü


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Micro Nutrients

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